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Jul 22, 2021

Onboarding flow 2.0, fixes and improvements

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In July, we've focused on crafting the best possible onboarding experience for our new users and fixing some of the pressing issues in our app and the extension.

Onboarding flow 2.0

A couple of updates back, we introduced the first version of our self-serve onboarding flow. The 4-step flow helped new users get set up with the product on their own without having one of our team members guiding them.

During the past weeks, we updated the flow with a few additional steps:

1. Product tour

We created a step-by-step product tour that introduces the product's main functionalities and gets users to their first Flowritten email right after signing up.

Implementing the flow included design, implementation, as well as coming up with the texts and covering edge cases.

2. Onboarding questions

We added a couple of quick questions at the beginning of the flow to create a more personal onboarding experience for new users.

For instance, we now ask about users' preferred use cases and use those answers to provide ready-made templates once the user finishes the flow. This eliminates the additional hassle and helps users get to value sooner.

3. Last steps of the flow

At the end of the process, we introduce users to our beta program and give them a chance to refer their friends.

The upgraded onboarding flow is an answer to the huge demand we're experiencing, enabling us to onboard people more rapidly and make Flowrite accessible to a wider group of people in Q3.

Fixes & improvements

Our product is constantly evolving, and part of building new is that things break from time to time.

As we continue acting on the feedback from our amazing beta users, here are some improvements that we've shipped this month.


  • Fixed error messages that falsely appeared when interrupting a generation mid-way. Furthermore, interrupting a generation now takes instantly back to instructions.

  • Fixed the unresponsive keyboard shortcut toggles in the web app. Turning shortcuts on and off is possible again.
  • In certain cases, generations would fail but still produce an output that would appear empty. We identified and tackled some of these cases and are working on a further fix to turn these outliers into positive outcomes automatically.


  • In our last update, we introduced a no-template option for outreaches for the web app. The feature is now available in the extension as well.
  • We learned from beta users that the outreach/reply switch in the web app was difficult to notice, so we redesigned the element.

  • Instructing Flowrite with more than one bullet point most often results in higher-quality outputs, so we created a subtle instructional feature to encourage users to write multiple bullets.
Onboarding flow, new identity field, more tones
May 27, 2021

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