
Flow through your inbox

Flowrite turns your instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser.

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Sep 5, 2022

Brand new UI, usage metrics & instructions suggestions

Product update visual

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Product update visual
For the past months, our team has been on a quest to make Flowrite even more effortless and intuitive to use. We are proud to present you the latest results.

New user interface

This week, we released a new, more intuitive UI for generating emails and messages in our extension.

For this version, we did a complete re-thinking on the generation UI and workflow, with an aim to make it faster to select and iterate on templates and instructions, enable access to previous generations, and overall, make the extension more organized and easier to navigate.

The new UI consists of the following components:

Redesigned settings bar

One of the key componenets of the new generation UI is our new settings bar, which makes it easier for users to find the settings they need.

When in the past different settings were scattered across the top bar and previous steps in the generation workflow, all inputs can now be found from a single location at the top.

Upon generation, the selected template and instructions are added to the settings bar, from which they can be easily adjusted for a possible regeneration.

Unified view for templates & instructions

We combined the template selection and instructions field into one view, making it incredibly easy to change either of them at any point of the initial generation process.

Upon template selection, the template is now highlighted and instructions added below it, as opposed to opening a designated view for instructions.

New workflow for (re)generations

At any point of the workflow, the user can regenerate with the present settings by clicking the generation button at bottom. Adjusting the settings happens intuitively from the settings bar.

Instructions suggestions

Another way we're making Flowrite more effortless for users is by providing instructions suggestions based on the template that was selected.

This feature was released in tandem with our new generation UI and is available for 17 templates, including Meeting scheduling, Sales email rejection and Positive feedback reply.

History of generations

Along with the new UI and suggestions, we released another exciting feature that allows users to view all of their previous generations within a given session of using Flowrite.

This means that when regenerating multiple times, you no longer have to copy previous generations to ensure you don’t lose the best one, since you now have access to all of your previous generations in the extension.

We also added a 30-day generation history to our web app to make it easier for you to find that awesome flowritten message from the past.

Time-savings tracker & Usage metrics

At Flowrite, we're always looking for ways to help our users get more out of their time.

That's why we're excited to introduce a time-savings tracker, which compares the time you’ve spent writing with Flowrite to what it would’ve taken to write without it.

In addition, we released usage metrics which display how many times you’ve used Flowrite within a given time frame.

Both the time-saving tracker and usage metrics can be found from your extension bookmark and a new Usage-tab on the web app.

Other updates

Paste to compose field

Next to the existing copy-button, we added a new button to our Gmail integration which allows users to move their generations from the extension to Gmail’s compose field with one click.

Extension in web app

We integrated our browser extension to our web app to replace the old web app UI – the users now have a unified experience across our web app and browser extension.

Fixes & improvements


  • Created an interactive bumper-based onboarding flow to the extension for new users
  • Optimized our automatic recipient recognition for messaging, where people rarely use sign-offs
  • Added the ability to sign up with just email addresses in addition Google sign-up
  • Reduced the number of length options from three to two for a more reliable experience
  • Improved the way we remove irrelevant text after signature from the received message
  • Improved the way the “nudge” appears and retains when navigating across different pages
  • Made the main output non-editable, just like the alternatives
  • Implemented an uninstall survey to the extension
  • Improved the way copying alternatives to clipboard works
  • Added a listener to force updates to the Chrome extension. Users now receive newest updates immediately
  • Added pop-ups to the onboarding flow, write page, and integrations list to redirect users who haven’t installed our extension to Chrome Web Store
  • Added a block to the identity setting to account for inappropriate characters and inputs
  • Started displaying identity’s preview before the user starts filling the fields
  • Increased the instruction field’s character limit from 200 to 250


  • Fixed an issue where the extension window and template list could be scrolled horizontally
  • Fixed issues where the extension on the web app’s write page was overlapping with different pop-ups of the web app
  • Fixed an issue where the instructions were either partly or completely not being picked up
  • Fixed an issue where the cursor in the instructions field was unintentionally switching its position
  • Fixed an issue that was causing some users to get stuck in a loop while trying to complete their onboarding flow
  • Disabled the ability send referrals if the user didn't upgrade after their trial
  • Fixed the first name recognition not working correctly on Gmail
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing users from accessing their historical generations
  • Fixed an issue where trial users were prompted upgrade their account before their trial had ended
  • Fixed issues that were preventing the extension install pop up from being displayed
  • Fixed an issue that caused users to have to reinstall the extension in order to open the web app after a new version was released
  • Fixed an issue where refreshing the “Usage and History” tab would navigate the user to the “Customization” tab in Settings, instead of the “Usage and History” tab
  • Fixed the empty nudge icon bug
  • Fixed a bug with the nudge that caused it to disappear when the user navigated from our app to other integration apps
  • Fixed an issue where the recipient’s name was not picked up correctly from the “Received message” -field in the web app
  • Fixed an issue where recipient recognition was not working correctly for certain names
  • Fixed the extension's window blinking issue where the color was changing between the light and dark mode
  • Fixed an issue that caused the "Sign in with Google" button to be unresponsive for some users
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from generating in our web app and extension
  • Fixed an issue where some of the email content was not getting picked up correctly when using the extension on Gmail
  • Fixed the extension’s behavior so that it won’t interrupt the users’ normal writing on Gmail
  • Fixed an issue that caused the OB template page to get stuck when the user chose "Other" as their role in the prior step
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Message to 
’ field was not populated with the correct recipient when the name field was empty
  • Fixed the issue where Candidate outreach generations were being completed but their beginnings were missing
  • Improved the colors and added tooltip and hover effects to the plus and reorder icons in the template list
  • Added a timeout to prevent infinite loading in case of generation errors
  • Changed the original expand-icon in the nudge to Flowrite icon
  • Fixed the template search in the extension so it works with both upper and lower case
  • Made the extension window to show up automatically after clicking one of the integrations pages in the web app
  • Fixed the issue where some users were missing the pre-selected templates after the onboarding
  • Identity settings now wraps text if if the text is too long to fit in the field
  • Fixed the Superhuman integration link to redirect to the correct page
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a user from using the product after they had bought a subscription
  • Fixed the sign in and continue buttons in the onboarding flow so that they are now responsive
  • Fixed the output format of the greeting, the capital letters, and the removal of the extra newlines before the signature

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