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May 4, 2023


How to introduce yourself in an email with 14 samples and a template

Learn how to introduce yourself in an email as a new employee for a job, to clients, team, colleagues, or business partners with the help of our self-introduction email samples.

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Lawrie Jones


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Hello there 👋
My name is Lawrie, and I've written this warm and wonderful blog post to explain how to introduce yourself in an email.

When emailing someone new (or speaking to them), it's essential to introduce who you are, explain why you're emailing, and (if you're asking for something) what you want.

If this all sounds simple, it should do – introducing yourself in an email is easy (as long as you stick to the format and follow our rules).

In this guide to writing intro emails, we provide a step-by-step guide on crafting compelling messages, followed by 14 fantastic samples and a template.

Great introduction emails make the best first impression. As the old cliche says, you only get one chance, so do it properly with Flowrite😉

Self-introduction email format

Imagine you've started a new job, and nobody knows who you are and what you do. An introduction email is an essential ice-breaker and a great way to kick off your time at a new company.

Introduction emails are essential if you're taking on a new account or working with a new contact at a business.

As well as saying hi, introduction emails are a way to clarify any details to avoid confusion or embarrassment. For example, you can share pronouns to ensure everyone understands who you are and how you want to be addressed.

Here are the essentials of the self-introduction email format...

1. Self-introduction email subject line

The subject line for email introducing yourself is critical, as it's the first (and potentially only) thing your recipient will see.

Unless it's compelling, it'll be ignored. (Don't worry if you get no response, here's how to send a reminder email or a follow-up email.)

How do you create a great introduction email subject line? Here are a few examples:

  • Introduction from <name>
  • Hello from <name> at <organization>
  • A quick hello
  • Request to chat
  • Interested in opportunities

Let's put this into practice and build an example:

saku@flowrite.com, aaro@flowrite.com
It's my first day!

2. Self-introduction email body

Your recipient has clicked the message and opened it. Start by delivering a personalized greeting with the person's name, if possible. Then get to the point and introduce yourself!

If someone has already made an intro between you and someone else, you don't necessarily need to give too many details here (and if you do, remove the CC).

Here are some suitable opening email phrases include:

  • Let me introduce myself
  • First, let me introduce myself
  • Please allow me to introduce myself
  • I wanted to introduce myself
  • I would like to introduce myself through email

We can build our example message out some more...

saku@flowrite.com, aaro@flowrite.com
It's my first day!
Hi everyone,

It's my first day here, and I wanted to get in touch to introduce myself. My name is Lawrie, and I work as a writer here at Flowrite. I can't wait to get started creating great content for one of the world's fastest-growing and most exciting tech start-ups.

3. How to end an email introducing yourself

They know who you are and why you're emailing, so it's time to end. You can add contact details or another call to action (CTA). Always add a sign-off and include your signature.

Before signing off and sending your email introduction, proofread it and ensure you've included everything – including your critical contact details.

Here's the final instalment of our example to show you how it's done...

saku@flowrite.com, aaro@flowrite.com
It's my first day!
Hi everyone,

It's my first day here, and I wanted to get in touch to introduce myself. My name is Lawrie, and I work as a writer here at Flowrite. I can't wait to get started creating great content for one of the world's fastest-growing and most exciting tech start-ups.

You can learn a little more about me on my LinkedIn profile. I'm going to be working with you to help supercharge our SEO.

If you have any questions for me or would like to arrange a meeting, you can contact me at (insert details).

I can't wait to work with such a talented team.

If you're struggling with formatting emails or writing professional emails, check out our other guides, including how to write professional emails.

15 email introduction examples

Constructing introduction emails should be easy if you follow the principles above.

When in doubt, you can use these professional self-introduction email examples. Remember that intro emails sent inside your company to colleagues can have some personality.

But, when communicating as a manager or externally with clients or customers, focus on being formal!

1. Self-introduction email to colleagues sample

This self-introduction email to colleagues is short and easy to understand. There's not much personality on show here, but the core of the message is there.

It's ideal to send it to an email list, for example. On the other hand, if you send this to individuals, take the time to personalize it a little (or a lot).

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (your name), and I wanted to introduce myself to you.

I'm starting as the (job title) at (company name). I've joined the business from (provide some details about where you've come from).

My first day is (details). I'm looking forward to starting and getting to know you all.

If you need to contact me about anything, you can contact me at (insert details).

(Your name)

2. Introduce yourself to a new team email sample

The example above is a pretty anonymous email you could send to anyone. When introducing yourself to team members, it's a good idea to outline your skills and experiences.

You'll want to be positive and make a great first impression, as these are the people you'll be working with every day.

How do you do that? Check out this email to introduce yourself to a new team member example.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Let me introduce myself. I'm (your name), and I've joined the team as (job title).

I thought it might be worth giving you some information on my background and skills. I'm (insert information).

I'm excited to get to know you and start my career here. I'd welcome the chance to learn more about you and what you do. This will help me to get off to the best start.

You can send me an email at (insert details) or find a slot in my (currently empty!) calendar.

I'm really looking forward to working with everyone at (company name).

Kind regards,
(Your name)

3. Self-introduction email sample on the first day of work

Ahh, that first day of work feeling where you don't know anyone, what you'll be doing, or even where you're sitting.

This intro email (you can also send it on Slack or another messaging tool you may use) is set-up to connect with colleagues as soon as you arrive. Don’t be a stranger!

Hi (Recipient's name),

I wanted to say hi on my first day! My name is (your name), and I've joined (company) today as the (insert job title).

Obviously, I'll have questions, so please be patient with me as I learn the ropes! Don't worry, I'm a fast learner, and I hope to be up to speed soon.

I'm excited to start and work with you all. If you want to know more about me, you can message me at (insert details) or stop by my desk and say hi.

(Your name)

4. Sample email to introduce yourself to someone you've never met

We all know that cold emailing can be intimidating. There's the fear of failure and rejection. But in our experience, most people are polite and cheerful (the ones worth working with, anyway!).

This sample demonstrates how to introduce yourself in an email to someone you've never met before.

Hi (Recipient's name),

We've never met before, but my name is (your name), and I'm contacting you from (company name).

I know it can be annoying to get emails from people you don't know. Still, I'm getting in touch because I wanted to (discuss an opportunity, promote a product, apply for a job, etc.).

If you're interested in chatting further, please contact me at (insert details). I'm always available online or happy to arrange an in-person meeting.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

5. Sample email introducing yourself as a new manager

As a manager, you're in charge of a team and need to lead from the front. You'll want to appear professional and focused but also want to show some personality and appear approachable. You're the boss, so build an email that suits your personality and style – but here are the basic building blocks.

Hi (Recipient's name),

It's my first day here at (company name). I'm joining as the new (job title) and will be leading the team.

I've worked as a (what you do) for (X) years. I recently worked at (company name), where I was the (job title). You can learn more about me and my experience on my LinkedIn profile. (Insert link)

I'm delighted to start working with all of you. I'll meet with each of you individually as part of my induction, so look out for a calendar invite!

If you have any questions for me or would like to chat about anything, you can contact me at (insert details).

(Your name)

6. How to introduce yourself in an email for a job

You must be careful when sending an email to introduce yourself for a job, as you need to hit the right tone. Be confident but not arrogant.

When planning out how to write an email introducing yourself for a job, think about what the other person is looking for. You can use the job advert for some strong ideas about what they're searching for.

Be formal, use a full name if possible, and always check it for grammar and spelling before sending, and don't forget to attach a resume

Subject: Application for Marketing Director Position
Dear Steve Roberts,

My name is Ryan Sinclair, and I am applying for the Marketing Director position. I am hugely excited about the role and believe my skills and experience make me an exceptional candidate. 

I have attached a copy of my most recent CV and a covering letter to support my application. If you have any questions about my application, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you about the progress of my application in due course.

Yours sincerely,
Ryan Sinclair

7. New employee self-introduction email sample

When joining a new company, it's common to send a first-time introduction email to your colleagues or your boss.

Your new employee self-introduction email may go to your department or directorate. Still, in some cases (for senior roles), it may include the entire organization. In this example, the self-introduction email is going out to a large group, so we're keeping it light on details. 

Here's a new employee self-introduction email sample that you can adapt and use on your first day at work. 

Subject: Hi, I'm your new Marketing Director, Ryan Sinclair
Dear Colleagues,

My name is Ryan Sinclair, and I have recently joined (company) as the new Marketing Director.

I want to introduce myself to you all and take this opportunity to express how excited I am to be joining the company at this point. 

Please feel free to contact me if you would like to get in touch. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and working together.

Yours faithfully,
Ryan Sinclair

8. Self-introduction email to team

A self-introduction to a team is likely to include more specifics and details than a general email. These are the people you'll be working with daily, so it's worthwhile giving them more information. As part of your organizational induction, you'll likely meet with these people, so being as enthusiastic is encouraged.

Subject: Hi, I'm your new Marketing Director, Ryan Sinclair
Dear Marketing Team,

My name is Ryan Sinclair, and I have recently joined (company) as the new Marketing Director.

I want to introduce myself to you all and take this opportunity to express how excited I am to be joining the company and leading the team.

I'm keen to meet as many of you as possible, so please find some time and book a meeting in my calendar. I'm looking forward to working with you all and helping the company to meet and exceed its targets.

Yours faithfully,
Ryan Sinclair

9. Self-introduction email to client

If you're wondering how to introduce yourself in an email to clients, we're about to show you. When introducing yourself to a client, it's important to follow the established rules, express enthusiasm, and be optimistic for the future.  

We describe how to introduce yourself in an email to existing clients who have a relationship with your business and new ones you begin working with. In this self introduction email to client template, we're contacting someone to request a meeting.

Subject: Meeting request – Ryan Sinclair, (company name)
Dear Sarah Storey,

My name is Ryan Sinclair, and I'm the new Marketing Director at (company). I have recently joined the company and am contacting important clients to introduce myself personally.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you, understand more about your role within the organization, and discuss how we can work together most effectively.

Please feel free to contact me to arrange a meeting. I'm looking forward to working with you in the future and continuing our positive relationship.

Yours sincerely,
Ryan Sinclair

10. Self-introduction email to new clients

A self-introduction email to new clients can establish a solid start to your relationship. When deciding how to introduce yourself in an email to a new client, we suggest being polite and keeping things short, giving them the initiative to continue the conversation.

Subject: Welcome from (company name)
Dear Susan Jones,

My name is Ryan Sinclair, and I am Marketing Director at (Company). First, I would like to formally introduce myself to you and express how excited we are to work with you.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss our ongoing relationship. Please get in touch with me to arrange a suitable date and time for a meeting.

If you have any questions or require any additional information or support, please don't hesitate to contact me at any point.

Yours faithfully,
Ryan Sinclair

11. Business email introducing yourself

A self-introduction email to business partners or potential contracts should focus on the detail and encourage them to contact you. In this example of how to introduce yourself in a business email, we provide a short and snappy intro without delving too far into the detail. 

Subject: New business opportunity – (company name)
Dear Kimberly Smith,

My name is Ryan Sinclair, and I am the Marketing Director at (Company). We are currently searching for an external partner to provide additional marketing services to our organization.

I would welcome the opportunity to learn more about your services and your business before discussing the current opportunity.

Please feel free to contact me to arrange a meeting. I'm looking forward to speaking with you.

Yours sincerely,
Ryan Sinclair

12. Official introduction email sample

The ability to formally introduce yourself over email is necessary when writing to official figures, such as politicians or Government officials. Formally introducing yourself in an email is a more acceptable form of correspondence than a phone call and more immediate than sending a letter.

In this example of how to introduce yourself formally in an email, we provide a standard format and template for you to follow before you make your request.

Subject: Introduction: Ryan Sinclair, Marketing Director at (company name)
Dear Councillor Paul Stanley,

My name is Ryan Sinclair, and I would like to introduce myself to you. I am the new Marketing Director at (Company). I have recently joined the organization and am contacting individuals who have a positive relationship with our business.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you, understand more about your work with our organization, and discuss how we can work together most effectively.

Please feel free to contact me to arrange a meeting. I'm looking forward to meeting with you in the future.

Yours sincerely,
Ryan Sinclair

13. Professional self-introduction email sample

Writing a professional introduction email is an essential skill for anyone who is employed. When deciding how to professionally introduce yourself in an email, we recommend following the rules and conventions of formal writing.

In this example of how to write a professional email to introduce yourself, we give you a pretty standard approach. 

Subject: Introduction: Ryan Sinclair, Marketing Director at (company name)
Dear Logan Gladwell,

My name is Ryan Sinclair, and I would like to introduce myself to you. I have recently joined (company) as the new Marketing Director and am excited to start my new role.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss establishing a stronger relationship between our two businesses.

Please feel free to contact me to arrange a meeting. I'm looking forward to working with you in the future.

Yours sincerely,
Ryan Sinclair

14. Personal introduction email

In this personal introduction email, we strike a friendlier and more casual tone. Of course, it's entirely up to you whether you want to be this informal.

Still, in certain situations, it can be appropriate. For example, if a colleague or a friend has introduced you to someone already, just say thanks and keep it casual.

Here's one example of an informal personal introduction email.

Subject: I'm new at (company name). Let's get together…
Dear Aliya Roy,

We've not met before, but my name is Ryan Sinclair, and I'm the new Marketing Director at (Company).

I've just started, but I'm learning more every day about the great partners we work with, including yourself. So I'd love the chance to get together and chat about how we can do more together.

You can drop me an email here with a date and time to meet, and I'll make all the arrangements.

I look forward to hearing from you and working together in the future. 

Ryan Sinclair

Checklist for introducing yourself in an email:

By now, you should understand how to put together great introduction emails. If you need a reminder of the essentials, here's a checklist for introducing yourself in an email.

  1. Use a clear and concise subject line
  2. Start with a friendly greeting
  3. Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of your email
  4. Briefly describe your professional background and skills (optional)
  5. Mention any relevant qualifications or certifications (optional)
  6. End with a call-to-action or request for further communication (it's optional but definitely worth considering).
  7. Proofread and edit your email before sending

Self-introduction email template

The samples above are an essential primer, but you can use the template below as the basis for building your own introduction emails.

Work through the template from top to bottom and fill in the gaps. The customizable template can be cut, pasted, and adapted for almost an purpose.

Hi (Recipient's name)

I'm contacting you to introduce myself. My name is (your name), and I am the (job name).

Today is my (first day) at (company name). I wanted to reach out and say hello, and tell you more about me. I am (insert whatever details you want).

I'm looking forward to working with you (or managing you, etc.)

If you would like to contact me, you can reach me at (insert details).

Many thanks,
(Your name)
Pssst. Here's a secret. You can use Flowrite to supercharge your self-introductions. Test it out here:

Flowrite is an AI writing tool that turns your instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages. If you're still struggling to find the right words for introducing yourself by email, Flowrite can help you get started and offer some inspiration.

The next time you need to write a self introduction email just keep our samples in mind or pick up Flowrite to introduce yourself with confidence.

Let me introduce the conclusion…

It's been a pleasure guiding you through the fundamentals of creating engaging introduction emails.

The important thing is to ensure you stick to the structure and include all the information required. There's no need to be creative.

Just cut straight to the point and say who you are and why you're messaging — it's the ideal introduction.

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